From Gilliam, Louisiana to Austin, TX

Full information about route from Gilliam, Louisiana to Austin, TX: Car route, bicycle route, fuel consumption, distance between cities in a straight line and on roads, average speed, intermediate cities and many other information.

Head west on 1st Street, LA 3049 2.65 ml (5m)
Turn left 20.5 ml (19m)
Keep left 6.02 ml (6m)
Keep right 19.4 ml (20m)
Keep left onto I 20 39.7 ml (37m)
Keep right onto I 20 35.3 ml (31m)
Keep right 0.646 ml (1m)
Turn left 9.6 ml (9m)
Keep right 0.314 ml (33s)
Keep right 13 ml (15m)
Continue straight onto State Highway 31 East, TX 31 12.2 ml (13m)
Keep right onto TX 31 2.25 ml (3m)
Keep left onto Jed Robinson Loop, US 175, TX 31, Loop 7 1.66 ml (2m)
Keep left onto Jed Robinson Loop, TX 31, Loop 7 2.65 ml (3m)
Keep right 0.148 ml (17s)
Keep left 0.084 ml (10s)
Turn right onto State Highway 31 West, TX 31 5.09 ml (6m)
Turn slight right onto East Royall Boulevard, TX 31 19.7 ml (22m)
Turn slight right onto TX 31 3.79 ml (4m)
Turn left onto Corsicana Bypass, TX 31 11.8 ml (13m)
Turn left onto West State Highway 31, TX 31 18.8 ml (22m)
Keep left onto TX 31 5.17 ml (5m)
Keep left onto TX 31 13.1 ml (15m)
Continue straight onto TX 31 6.87 ml (8m)
Continue straight onto Bellmead Drive, US 84 2.99 ml (3m)
Turn left onto North Jack Kultgen Expressway 0.098 ml (11s)
Keep left 3.07 ml (4m)
Keep left onto South Jack Kultgen Expressway, I 35 41.2 ml (38m)
Keep left onto I 35 4.43 ml (4m)
Continue straight onto I 35 22.1 ml (20m)
Keep left onto I 35 11.2 ml (10m)
Keep left onto I 35 2.55 ml (2m)
Continue straight onto I 35 15.7 ml (16m)
Continue straight onto I 35, US 290 2.41 ml (3m)
Keep right 0.237 ml (30s)
Continue straight onto North Interstate 35 0.016 ml (3s)
Turn right onto East 8th Street 0.487 ml (1m)
Turn left onto Congress Avenue 0.201 ml (40s)
Turn left onto East 5th Street 0.005 ml (0s)
Arrive at East 5th Street, on the left

General information about route from Gilliam, Louisiana to Austin, TX

Distance between Gilliam and Austin
29 ml
Flight time by plane between Gilliam and Austin
Distance between Gilliam and Austin by car
357 ml
Driving time from Gilliam to Austin by car
1d 1h 33m
Fuel consumption for the route Gilliam — Austin
10 gl
The cost of fuel for the route Gilliam — Austin
USD 28.96

Intermediate cities on the route Gilliam — Austin by car

Blanchard Louisiana;
Shreveport Louisiana;
Greenwood Louisiana;
Marshall TX;
Longview TX;
Liberty City TX;
Lindale TX;
Chandler TX;
Brownsboro TX;
Athens TX;
Malakoff TX;
Kerens TX;
Corsicana TX;
Hubbard TX;
Northcrest TX;
Beverly Hills TX;
Bruceville-Eddy TX;
Troy TX;
Belton TX;
Salado TX;
Serenada TX;
Round Rock TX;
Wells Branch TX;