El Alma in Austin, Texas

On our website you will find full information about El Alma in Austin at 1025 Barton Springs Road

Based on 2 reviews

Foods in Austin

Contacts of El Alma

ZIP 78704

Locality Austin

Address 1025 Barton Springs Road

Phone +1 512-609-8923

Website elalmacafe.com

Update information

The location map and directions to El Alma in Austin are based on the coordinates we have: latitude 30.2600430, longitude -97.7556330. If you are going to drive a car and use the navigator, you can add the coordinates [30.2600430,-97.7556330] to the navigator and you will get where you need to go!

View all maps of Austin

Reviews of El Alma

The food here would be passable if it wasn't so expensive for its bare bones substance and low quality. The place carries itself as higher end, but the food has a run-of-the-mill taco truck flavor. The wait staff is nice, at least. I didn't get to try the alcoholic drinks on my visit, though, so I can't speak for their drink fu.
September 5, 2022 1:24 AM, Janis Huels
I asked the waiter for a gluten free menu. His response" You need to use the common sense that God gave you". I understand if there is not a menu but when you are dealing with an ALLERGY you might want to have a better response. I would of much appreciated if he asked the chef if the salads contained wheat. I woke up the next day feeling sick as ever. On the other hand margaritas were fantastic.
January 29, 2022 7:47 AM, Miss Vicenta Hayes

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Data about the email address of the user who added the review is not published and is not transmitted to El Alma. But we hope that you will leave the most objective opinion about the El Alma in Austin at the address 1025 Barton Springs Road.

All reviews about El Alma in Austin have been added by our users. We are not responsible for their content and cannot be held responsible for their relevance and objectivity. But we hope that the reviews about El Alma will be useful for you! At the moment, 2 reviews have been left about El Alma in Austin and the average rating on reviews is 1.5 out of 5

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If you don't like El Alma, you can choose other companies, organizations, and places in Austin in the Foods category. We recommend that you get acquainted with the data about the companies Panda Express, Fresh Pressed Juice Company, Taco Bell, Hill Country Outdoor Power and others in Austin.

Working hours of El Alma

10:00am — 10:00pm;
11:00am — 10:00pm;
11:00am — 10:00pm;
11:00am — 10:00pm;
11:00am — 10:00pm;
11:00am — 11:00pm;
10:00am — 11:00pm;

The opening hours of El Alma in Austin may differ from those presented, we recommend that you check the exact opening hours for today or tomorrow directly at El Alma before visiting

Information about El Alma

Added at September 14, 2022
10:50 PM
Updated at September 14, 2022
10:50 PM
Users rating 1 6
Count reviews 2
Reviews mark
★ ★ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒
Latitude 30.2600430
Longitude -97.7556330

1 The El Alma user rating is our internal metric, calculated from a large number of parameters! This metric does not reflect our attitude to El Alma in Austin and is just a mathematical expression of a certain formula!

More information about El Alma in Austin

El Alma company is located in Austin, at the address: 78704, 1025 Barton Springs Road.

You can always call El Alma and specify the opening hours, the exact address, as well as find out any information by calling +1 512-609-8923.

If it is easier for you to find out more about El Alma on the Internet then we recommend that you visit the site elalmacafe.com.

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