Covert Buick GMC in Austin, Texas

On our website you will find full information about Covert Buick GMC in Austin at 11750 Research Boulevard

Based on 1 reviews

Car repairs in Austin

Contacts of Covert Buick GMC

ZIP 78759

Locality Austin

Address 11750 Research Boulevard

Phone +1 512-583-3411


Update information

The location map and directions to Covert Buick GMC in Austin are based on the coordinates we have: latitude 30.4213565, longitude -97.7486540. If you are going to drive a car and use the navigator, you can add the coordinates [30.4213565,-97.7486540] to the navigator and you will get where you need to go!

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Reviews of Covert Buick GMC

I am very disappointed with Covert. While in the process of purchasing my 2017 Terrain an accessories sales person talked us into buying a full liner for the cargo and back part of the seats. I was charged $250 for this. They told me it took about 1-2 days to install it and it ended up taking them about 5 days. I get my vehicle and all I see is a plastic mat for the cargo area nothing like what the sales person had showed us. It turns out that the accessories sales person showed us accessories for the 2018 Terrain. Had we not said anything I would have kept a $50 mat and paid $250 for it. When it came to signing paperwork, the finance person had my husband sign as the applicant and me as the co-applicant even though we had told him the vehicle was for me and I'd be paying it. I know this is not a big deal, but I did not like it. The only reason I put my husband on the application was because I like to have him as the co-owner of whatever I get. I have good credit and good income to get a vehicle on my own. When I actually got my vehicle it seemed like they had not cleaned it. I just shrugged it off because it wasn't a big deal, but then I saw that one of the tires had low pressure and that the oil life was at 24%. I thought they cleaned and checked all these things before giving it to the owner. All I know is I am not going back and buying a vehicle there again.
December 30, 2021 9:06 AM, Dante Altenwerth

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All reviews about Covert Buick GMC in Austin have been added by our users. We are not responsible for their content and cannot be held responsible for their relevance and objectivity. But we hope that the reviews about Covert Buick GMC will be useful for you! At the moment, 1 reviews have been left about Covert Buick GMC in Austin and the average rating on reviews is 1.0 out of 5

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Information about Covert Buick GMC

Added at September 14, 2022
10:50 PM
Updated at September 14, 2022
10:50 PM
Users rating 1 4
Count reviews 1
Reviews mark
★ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒
Latitude 30.4213565
Longitude -97.7486540

1 The Covert Buick GMC user rating is our internal metric, calculated from a large number of parameters! This metric does not reflect our attitude to Covert Buick GMC in Austin and is just a mathematical expression of a certain formula!

More information about Covert Buick GMC in Austin

Covert Buick GMC company is located in Austin, at the address: 78759, 11750 Research Boulevard.

You can always call Covert Buick GMC and specify the opening hours, the exact address, as well as find out any information by calling +1 512-583-3411.

If it is easier for you to find out more about Covert Buick GMC on the Internet then we recommend that you visit the site

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